Sunday 10 July 2011

Kununurra - Mirama National Park and The Hoochery

Today we started out our day by washing the car and by the look of it we should enjoy a considerable improvement in fuel consumption having reduced the amount of dirt we have been lugging around. Our Prado can really say it is an off road vehicle now!

After that effort we went for a walk through the Mirama National Park which is directly behind the park we are staying in. It is only a small park but has beautiful sandstone ranges, cliffs and valleys similar to The Bungle Bungles but not as striking in the distinct layers we saw in The Bungle Bungles.

We undertook a couple of walks, one being a “Looking at Plants” which was really interesting as it gave us an insight into how the Indigenous community used these plants. It is really amazing when you look at a plant without knowing how important it has been and then read how it was used to make a shelter for a baby or as an antiseptic or a poison for fish.

The other walk took us to the lookout high above the township of Kununurra, which is sheltered by many trees and not really clearly visible, but gave us spectacular views.

Then we decided to go to The Hoochery where they make the only rum in Western Australia which we had visited briefly with Matt on Thursday and vowed to return to before we left. The barramundi was highly recommended and delicious as was the rum cheesecake and rum chocolate cake.  Yummy and well worth the return visit. We also purchased some of the rum liqueur to enjoy on our return. The liqueur is very much like our favourite from Bundaberg, if not better. The distillery is really sincere in using only local produce and even grows its own sugar cane for processing into molasses with a machine imported from Argentina.

After our very satisfying visit to The Hoochery we went onto another fresh food producer and bought some Chia seeds, berlotti beans and chick peas, all produced in the Ord Region.

Interestingly Matt told us that in 2011 7000 hectares is now under planting with Indian Sandlewood which is 45% of the available irrigated land in the Ord Region. The sandlewood looks really scruffy as it grows with a host plant which is difficult to distinguish unless you know what you are looking for.

Tomorrow we are off for a cruise on Lake Argyle that we are really looking forward to.  

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